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Executive Council Leadership

Executive Council

The National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) Executive Council provides the NIDIS Program Office with an opportunity to engage in individual consultation with senior resource officials from NIDIS’s leading federal partners (such as USDA, DOI, and others) as well as leaders from state and local government, academia, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector.

Executive Council Members

Lynn Knight
Affiliation / Title
USDA Climate Hubs
Mark Brusberg
Affiliation / Title
USDA Office of the Chief Economist
Dr. David Raff
Affiliation / Title
DOI Bureau of Reclamation
Doug Hilderbrand
Affiliation / Title
NOAA National Weather Service
Robyn Colosimo
Affiliation / Title
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Mindi Dalton
Affiliation / Title
DOI U.S. Geological Survey
Dr. Mark Svoboda
Affiliation / Title
National Drought Mitigation Center
Matthew Chase
Affiliation / Title
National Association of Counties
David LaFrance
Affiliation / Title
American Water Works Association
Will Sarni
Affiliation / Title
Water Foundry
Beth Callaway
Affiliation / Title
Interstate Council on Water Policy
Dr. Erin Urquhart
Affiliation / Title
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Dr. Thomas Graziano
Affiliation / Title
NOAA Office of Water Prediction
Dr. Gerald J. Kauffman
Affiliation / Title
University Council on Water Resources
Edgar Ruiz
Affiliation / Title
Council of State Governments
Hon. Bob Gallagher
Affiliation / Title
Mayor of Bettandorf, IA, Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative
Tom Iseman
Affiliation / Title
The Nature Conservancy
Chuck Chaitovitz
Affiliation / Title
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Gerald Geernaert
Affiliation / Title
U.S. Department of Energy
Jeff Andresen
Affiliation / Title
American Association of State Climatologists

NIDIS Program Office Staff

The NIDIS Program Office resides within the NOAA Climate Program Office, which is part of NOAA’s Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research. Located in Boulder, Colorado, the NIDIS Program Office is hosted by the Physical Sciences Laboratory in NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory.

Regional Drought Information Coordinators

A Drought Early Warning System (DEWS) is a network of regional and national partners that share information and coordinate actions to help communities in the region cope with drought. The Regional Drought Information Coordinators support these regional networks, working with partners across all levels of government, academic institutions, and the private sector to improve capacity to monitor, forecast, plan for, and cope with the impacts of drought.

Communications Staff

In Memoriam

* Denotes an employee of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado Boulder. 

** Denotes an employee of the Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology (CIROH) at the University of Alabama. Staff

NIDIS partners with the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) for technical support, operational support, and continued development of the U.S. Drought Portal ( The hosting requires a mix of IT administration, data management, web development, content management support, research, and external collaboration.