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Water is used in many manufacturing processes. During drought conditions, reductions in or interruption of the water supply can result in a reduction of plant productivity or even closure of manufacturing facilities. Integrating drought and extreme weather events into routine business planning can allow manufacturers and communities to proactively prepare system responses before the onset of a drought disaster.

Manufacturing and Drought Conditions

Cotton Produced by County
U.S. Drought Monitor
Soybeans Produced by County
U.S. Drought Monitor
Flax Produced by County
U.S. Drought Monitor

acres of flax currently experiencing drought (D1–D4)
10.6 Million
acres of cotton currently experiencing drought (D1–D4)
hydroelectric plants currently experiencing drought (D1–D4)
current heat warnings from the NOAA National Weather Service
Key Issues

Water Supply

Reduction in or interruption of the water supply could lead to lower productivity or closure of manufacturing facilities. Preventative measures such as water audits can help stakeholders understand facility water use and identify best management practices to use water most efficiently.


Including drought mitigation and prevention measures into planning processes allows manufacturers and communities to develop system responses before the onset of a water shortage.

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