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Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters

Associated Agencies

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) tracks and evaluates climate events in the U.S. and globally that have great economic and societal impacts. NCEI is frequently called upon to provide summaries of global and U.S. temperature and precipitation trends, extremes, and comparisons in their historical perspective.

NCEI's Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters shows the weather and climate events that have had the greatest economic impact from 1980 to the present. The website includes interactive maps, time series, and other tools to visualize the frequency and cost of billion-dollar weather and climate events, including drought.

Interactive Map: Cost of U.S. Billion-Dollar Drought Disasters

Cost of Major Drought Events Since 1980


Billion-Dollar Disasters Home Page

Mapping: Use the interactive mapping tool to better visualize the frequency and cost of billion-dollar weather and climate events

Time Series: Visualize the frequency and cost of billion-dollar weather and climate events using the interactive time series

Climatology: View interactive charts that capture the total duration of each billion-dollar disaster

Summary Stats: Return billion-dollar weather and climate statistics for an area of interest over a selected period of time

Events: A table of U.S. billion-dollar disaster events including summaries, report links, and statistics.


Download Data

Download Billion Dollar Disaster data from NOAA/NCEI: Download via HTTPS or FTP

Download Billion Dollar Disaster data from via the NOAA/NCEI Directory or our Google Cloud Storage. Both are publicly accessible, but the latter requires logging in with a Google account. JSON and GeoJSON files are available, labeled "drought-billions".