Master Water Control Manual: Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River Basin
It is U.S. Army Corps of Engineers policy that water control plans be continually reviewed, updated, and adjusted as needed to ensure that the best use is made of available water resources. This March 2017 revision to the basin master water control manual describes the systemwide water control plan for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River Basin. This manual provides a general reference source for ACF water control regulation. It is intended for use in day-to-day, real-time water management decision-making and for training new personnel. In conformance with the emphasis on water conservation as a national priority, the development and execution of the water control plan includes appropriate consideration for efficient water management.
Learn more about the the 2017 Master Water Control Manual Update for the ACF Basin.