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North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) based outlook and sub-seasonal forecast products

Document Author
Shrad Shukla, UC Santa Barbara
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Document Description


  • Recap of precipitation and temperature forecasts and skill analysis
  • Recent precipitation and temperature forecasts and skill analysis
  • Initial skill analysis of S2S products based on NMME forecasts


  • “Limited” seasonal (>1 month) precipitation and temperature forecast skill.
  • It’s important to look at historical skill before utilizing operational forecasts.
  • March precipitation, and June and July temperature seem to be most skilfull at seasonal scale.
  • For the upcoming season, below normal March precipitation in Southern California, and above normal June, July temperature is likely.
  • The NMME models (3 of them analyzed) have limited yet promising level of sub-seasonal skill (less than 1 month).
  • Sub-seasonal skill analysis to be continued. Analysis to include large scale climate oscillations as well. 
Document Preview
Title slide from presentation on North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) based outlook and sub-seasonal forecast products showing the title, author name, and contact info on a geometric pale green background
DEWS Region(s)
California Nevada
Climate Region(s)
Western Climate Region