Connecting Drought Early Warning to the Decision Making Needs of Specialty Crop Producers in the Midwestern United States

This project produced decision calendars to inform users of where and when science can inform decision-making, and improved the communication and usability of climate information. The project integrated social and physical science investigations into a usable joint decision space, with a focus on major fruit and vegetable production areas in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Missouri.
For more information, please contact Molly Woloszyn (
Research Snapshot
Results of This Research
- Decision calendars for a few select specialty crops in the Midwest (grapes, cranberries, apples, potatoes)
- Fact sheets with drought monitoring resources for specialty crop producers
- A peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Applied Climatology and Meteorology, "Meeting the Drought Information Needs of Midwest Perennial Specialty Crop Producers."