Tribal Engagement in the Missouri River Basin and Midwest

In order to ensure the inclusion of indigenous perspectives in the implementation of the regional drought early warning systems (DEWS), NIDIS launched a Tribal Drought Engagement Project in January 2019 in collaboration with the Masters of the Environment Program at University of Colorado-Boulder (CU MENV). The project aimed to strengthen relationships with tribal resource managers across the Missouri River Basin and Midwest DEWS regions in order to effectively deliver timely and relevant drought information. The objectives of this project were to increase engagement through face-to-face contact with tribal resource managers, increase NIDIS’ visibility amongst tribes, to map and identify key drought vulnerabilities and capacity gaps, and to ensure that future engagement maximizes positive impact.
For more information, please contact Britt Parker ( or Molly Woloszyn (
Research Snapshot
What to expect from this research
This project resulted in the NIDIS Tribal Drought Engagement Strategy, which was published in November 2020.