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Regional Drought Update Date
December 10, 2020
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Drought Status Update

California-Nevada Drought Status Update

DEWS Regions:

Warm and Dry Conditions Favored to Continue: La Niña Likely Through Spring

  • Building on dry conditions in the last year, drought has expanded and worsened in California and Nevada since the start of the water year due to below average precipitation and above normal temperatures and evaporative demand.
  • Forecasts favor continued above normal temperatures, dry patterns especially the southern part of the region, and continued drought degradation.
  • Drought impacts are growing and preparation for a potential dry year (and second dry year for some areas) is needed.
Current Conditions

U.S. Drought Monitor Conditions: California-Nevada |

December 10, 2020
Main Stats
of CA is in Moderate (D1) to Extreme (D3) Drought
of NV is in Moderate (D1) to Exceptional (D4) Drought
30.5 million
people in CA are experiencing drought
2.7 million
people in NV are experiencing drought

Current Conditions

  • The dry start to the 2021 water year (Oct. 1, 2020 - Sept. 30, 2021) continues to build California and Nevada precipitation deficits from last year with new development in Southern California.
  • Extremely dry fall has degraded and expanded drought conditions. Current ridging off the California coast has directed moisture north towards Alaska. 
  • Evaporative demand has been extremely high and soil moisture is low throughout the region. 
  • Water Storage (reservoir+snow) in Lake Tahoe region is above normal and near normal in the Sierras but declining.
  • There is potential for the development of snow drought conditions due to warm temperatures and/or low precipitation.


Precipitation Ranks by Climate Division from NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
Precipitation Ranks by Climate Division from NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information.


Map of California and Nevada Showing Percent of Normal Precipitation for the Last Year. Most regions show lower precipitation than normal.

Percent of Normal Precipitation for the Last Year. Source: HPRCC


3-Month Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI) from NOAA/ESRL and the Great Basin Dashboard.

3-Month Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI) from NOAA/ESRL and the Great Basin Dashboard.


California-Nevada Map Showing Soil Moisture Percentiles from the UCLA Drought Monitor.

Soil Moisture Percentiles from the UCLA Drought Monitor.


Graph showing water storage in 28 Western Sierra reservoirs plus snowpack. Water storage compared to 1981-2010 slightly below normal.

Graph showing water stored in Lake Tahoe (above rim) plus snowpack. Water storage compared to 1981-2010 is slightly above normal.
Water Storage compared to 1981-2010 slightly below normal in the Western Sierra (top) and slightly above normal in Lake Tahoe (bottom). Source: CNAP Water Storage Tracking

Drought Impacts

  • The California Department of Water Resources announced the initial water allocation of 10% for the State Water Project.  
  • Condition monitoring reports since the start of the water year note impacts such as reduced pasture and animal and plant stress, and reports recall conditions similar to 2014/2015. 
  • Wildfire threats have continued into December due to record warmth and dry fuels. 

Report Your Drought Impacts


Drought & Climate Outlook


NOAA’s ENSO alert system status is currently a La Niña advisory and is likely to continue through the Northern Hemisphere winter 2020-21 (~95% chance during January-March) with a potential transition to neutral conditions in April - June (~50%). For more information, check out the NOAA ENSO blog. Although La Niña events historically have resulted in drier conditions in southern CA and NV, this is not always the case. The figure below illustrates the precipitation anomaly for the different climate divisions during the most recent 4 La Nina years.


Four maps showing seasonal precipitation for California-Nevada during La Nina years. 2011-2012 and  2017-2018 experienced a substantial precipitation deficit.
Seasonal precipitation in recent La Nina years. La Nina persisted through April in 2010/2011 , 2011/2012, and 2017/2018, and through December in 2016/2017. 2011/2012 and 2017/2018 experienced a substantial precipitation deficit.


Seasonal Drought Outlook

As of the mid-November seasonal (3-month) drought outlook, drought was expected to persist for most of the region and develop in the central and southern coast of California. Drought has developed in much that region with no improvements yet in northernmost California-Nevada as forecasted. The next season drought outlook will be released later this month.


Seasonal drought outlook from NOAA's Climate Prediction Center, showing areas where drought is predicted to worsen, improve, or remain the same over the next 3 months. Valid for November 19, 2020 - February 28, 2021.
Seasonal drought outlook from NOAA's Climate Prediction Center, showing areas where drought is predicted to worsen, improve, or remain the same over the next 3 months. 


Temperature & Precipitation

Current forecasts show dry conditions for the next two weeks in southern California and Nevada and potential moisture to the north early next week. However, seasonal forecasts continue to show the dipole of wet/cool and dry/warm conditions along the west coast as common with La Niña conditions. Seasonal forecasts from NOAA NWS Climate Prediction Center will be updated later this month.


December 16-20th Precipitation Outlook for the United States


December 16-20th Temperature Outlook for the United States

December 16-20th Precipitation Outlook (top) and Temperature Outlook (bottom). A = chances of above-normal; EC= equal chances of above, below, normal; B = chances of below-normal. Source: NOAA NWS Climate Prediction CenterHow do I interpret these graphics? 
6 day Forecast Precipitation from from Dec 10-16 from NOAA NWS California-Nevada River Forecast Center.

6-day forecast precipitation from from Dec 10-16 from NOAA NWS California-Nevada River Forecast Center.


Drought Early Warning Resources

Observations & Monitoring

Predictions & Forecasting

Planning & Preparedness

Prepared By

Amanda Sheffield
NOAA/NIDIS California-Nevada DEWS Regional Drought Information Coordinator

Julie Kalansky
Program Manager, California-Nevada Applications Program (NOAA RISA team)

Special Thanks

This Drought Status Update is issued in partnership between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the California-Nevada Climate Applications Program, a NOAA RISA team, to communicate the current state of drought conditions in California-Nevada based on recent conditions and the upcoming forecast. NIDIS and its partners will issue future Drought Updates as conditions evolve.

The next California-Nevada Drought & Climate Outlook webinar will take place on Monday, January 25 at 11 am PT.