AWWA/IHS Webinar: Design & Evaluate Effective & Ongoing Drought Communication

The American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Department of Health and Human Service's Indian Health Service (IHS) are hosting a webinar for tribal personnel on July 12, 2023.
The webinar will cover the latest research on effective water use efficiency communications to engage customers and stakeholders on reducing water use in increasingly dry climates. Topics include fighting drought fatigue, funding WUE programs, and tracking key metrics for success.
Through a recent TEC-funded research project, the Water Conservation Division’s Planning, Evaluation and Research Committee hired Katz and Associates to research past and ongoing communication strategies to communicate drought and water shortage. A guidebook was developed that integrates results from an extensive review of case studies, research on nationwide water use efficiency and drought campaigns, and in-depth interviews with 16 state and regional water agencies. The guidebook presents a menu of best management practices and key communication strategies that can support utility staff in building an actionable case for implementation.
The goal of this free webinar will be to review the findings captured in the guidebook, highlighting one to two agencies that participated as case studies, and direct webinar participants to the full guidebook resource for more in-depth information.
Tribal Personnel Only
To learn more and register, visit the IHS Classes web page, or contact Ty Antonio ( for more information.