Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Notice of Funding Opportunity Informational Webinar

The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has announced the availability of funding through the Tribal Climate Resilience Program. Proposals are due Friday, April 23, 2021. The Tribal Climate Resilience Program supports tribes preparing for climate change that impacts tribal treaty and trust resources, economies, infrastructure, and human health and safety. The Program will also provide funding for projects that support tribal resilience and ocean and coastal management planning.
ITEP will host the BIA for this webinar, which will provide information about available funding for Tribal activities that support Tribal climate adaptation and resilience planning, ocean and coastal management planning, and relocation, managed retreat, or protect-in-place planning and design activities for coastal and riverine communities. Please join us to learn more about this funding opportunity. There will be time to ask BIA any questions which may support your proposal.
- Rachael Novak, Acting BIA Tribal Climate Resilience Program Coordinator
- Alyssa Samoy, BIA Natural Resources Specialist
- Jo Ann Metcalfe, Certified Grants Specialist, U.S Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs