Colorado River Hydrology Research Symposium - Webinar Series

Please join Southern Nevada Water Authority and the Partners of the Colorado River Climate and Hydrology Work Group for the 2020 Colorado River Hydrology Research Symposium webinar series. The three-part series explores opportunities identified in the 2020 Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science report. Together, we’ll expand our shared understanding of the physical setting and the latest data, tools, and research underpinning Colorado River water resources management. During the series, we'll explore:
- New models and data to inform the River Forecast Center water supply forecasts (October 8, 2020, 10 am - 12 pm MDT) with contributions from Sarah Baker (USBR - Moderator), Matthew Rosencrans (NOAA), Andy Wood (NCAR) and more.
- Prospects for advancing hydroclimatic prediction at seasonal and longer timescales (October 19, 2020, 12 pm - 2 pm MDT) with contributions from Andy Wood (NCAR - Moderator), Jeff Lukas (WWA - Moderator), Liz Payton (WWA - Moderator), Matt Switanek (CIRES), Efi Foufoula Giorgio (UCI), Yoshimitsu Chikamoto (USU) and more.
- Decision science (November 17, 2020, 10 am - 12 pm MST) with contributions from Rebecca Smith (USBR - Moderator), Alan Butler (USBR), Joseph Kasprzyk (CU Boulder) and more.