Environmental Flows in the Rio Grande – Rio Bravo Basin

The Rio Grande/Bravo (RGB) is an arid river basin shared by the United States and Mexico, the fifth-longest river in North America and home to over 10.4 million people. By crossing landscapes and political boundaries, the RGB brings together cultures, societies, ecosystems, and economies forming a complex social-ecological system. The RGB supplies water for the human activities that take place within its territory. While there have been efforts to implement environmental flows (flows necessary to sustain riparian and aquatic ecosystems and human activities), a systematic and whole-basin analysis of these efforts that conceptualizes the RGB as a single, complex social-ecological system has been missing.
In this CCAST webinar, Samuel Sandoval from the University of California – Davis will present on a study that aims to address this research and policy gap and shed light on challenges, opportunities, and success stories for implementing environmental flows in the RGB.
This webinar is part of the Collaborative Conservation and Adaptation Strategy Toolbox (CCAST) webinar series.