FY22 NIDIS Coping with Drought: Tribal Drought Resilience Informational Webinar

For Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) is hosting a research competition, Coping with Drought: Building Tribal Drought Resilience. Applications should be developed by or in full partnership with tribal nations to fund the implementation of actions—together with research on those actions—to build drought resilience contained in existing plans and strategies. Plans may include, but are not limited to drought contingency plans; drought, water, or natural resource plans; agricultural resource management plans; or climate adaptation plans.
The competition lead held an informational webinar on Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 3 p.m. EDT to discuss the background of the programs and expectations for this competition, as well as to address questions related to the development and submission of letters of intent and proposals.
View the webinar recording and recap, or view a full transcript and presentation slides. For more information, please contact Britt Parker (britt.parker@noaa.gov).