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OR-WA 2020 Water Year Recap and 2021 Water Year Outlook Meeting

Oct 28
October 28, 2020 - October 29, 2020
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
A lake, trees, and flowers in front of mountains in the Pacific Northwest

The 15th annual Oregon-Washington Water Year Meeting: 2020 Recap and 2021 Outlook will be held as two virtual morning meetings.

In addition to hearing from the forecast experts, both days will include time for discussion and peer-to-peer learning. We encourage participation from a wide range of sectors, including utilities, agriculture, and forestry. The first day will feature a recap of the 2020 water year with a focus on extremes – winter flooding to drought to wildfire. Given the incredible impacts in Oregon this year, the meeting will feature events and impacts from Oregon and also cover key impacts in Washington. The second day will feature the Outlook for water year 2021, as well as new resources and information that can be used to plan and prepare for the future climate and climate-related events.