Soil Moisture Product Review Webinar Series

Soil moisture is an important indicator for drought, and while there are a range of products available for monitoring soil moisture, it is not always clear which products might be best for use in different regions, seasons, or conditions.
From December 14, 2021 to March 15, 2022, National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) Midwest Drought Early Warning System (DEWS) and the National Coordinated Soil Moisture Monitoring Network co-hosted a series of four review sessions on key soil moisture products to help state climatologists and others better understand these products and their strengths and limitations. Each session covered 2–3 products, and included a presentation by a member of each development team and then a question and answer session to discuss product formulation, constraints, and features, and to calibrate against real-world application needs. While the series targeted Midwest applications, these presentations will be of interest to drought decision makers across the U.S.
The series covered several commonly-used and available soil moisture products, as listed below. NIDIS plans to repeat this series in the future to cover additional products that are either currently available or in development. If you have suggestions on products to include, please contact
Additional Resources
- The Soil Moisture Product Dashboard provides side-by-side mapping of the current root-zone soil moisture levels from several of these soil moisture products. This dashboard is intended to facilitate analysis and support a convergence of evidence approach.
- The Soil Moisture Data & Maps page provides a gateway to a wide range of soil moisture products and tools.
- The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) describes the various types of soil moisture data sets in this handy reference guide (from 2019): Soil Moisture Data Sets: Overview & Comparison Tables.
For more information, please contact