Past Projects Funded through the NIDIS Coping with Drought Competition
Since 2007, the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) has funded more than 75 innovative drought research projects through the Coping with Drought research competition. Research through the Coping with Drought competition assesses impacts of drought on agriculture, ecosystems, and water resources and develops decision support tools for regional, state, and local use. Below is a list of past research projects NIDIS has supported through the Coping with Drought competition.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Coping with Drought: Tribal Drought Resilience Projects
- Snoqualmie DROUT: Snoqualmie Drought Resilience for OUr Tribe
- Drought Resilience Planning and Assisted Migration of Imperiled Sweetgrass Populations on the Rocky Boy Reservation, North-Central Montana
- Colville Tribes Collaborative Drought Monitoring and Resilience Planning Project
- The Rosebud Sioux Tribe Drought Trends Analysis and Groundwater Recharge Implementation Plan
FY 2022 Coping with Drought: Ecological Drought Projects
- Drought Effects on Coastal Restoration Success: Quantifying Impacts and Testing Strategies to Enhance Resilience
- Building a Drought Early Warning System for Cold-Water Fisheries Management Across the Northern Rocky Mountains
- A Communication Framework for Ecological Drought Information in the Southwestern U.S.
- An Integrated Framework for Drought Response in Southern California's Natural Landscapes
- Connecting Ecological Drought Monitoring Tools with Natural Resource Stakeholders in Montana
- Building a More Drought-Resilient Urban Forest Ecosystem
- Projecting Socio-Ecological Impacts of Drought in Southwestern Ecosystems to Prioritize Restoration Initiatives
FY 2022 Coping with Drought: Building Tribal Drought Resilience Projects
- Chími nukárihihi (Let’s Get Ready): Collaborative Climate Change and Drought Response Monitoring and Implementation
- Native Drought Resilience: Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) Actions for Climate-Drought Adaptation
- Developing a Drought Early Warning System and Indices for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
- Wetlands to Combat Drought: Strengthening Drought Preparedness on the Coeur d’Alene Reservation through Wetland Restoration and Monitoring
- Enhancing Water Retention and Facilitating Groundwater Recharge to Protect and Maintain Springs
FY 2020 Coping with Drought Projects
- Visualizing Ecological Drought Impacts, Vulnerabilities and Drivers to Inform Deliberate Decision-Making
- Improving Drought Indicators to Support Drought Impact Mitigation for Natural Resource Management
- Linking Indicators of Drought Hazard to Multi-Sectoral Impacts: An Application to California
- Evaluation of Drought Indicators for Improved Decision-Making in Public Health and Emergency Preparedness: Reducing Drought’s Burden on Health
- Developing Drought Impact Models for the Intermountain West Drought Early Warning System
FY 2019 Coping with Drought Projects
- Developing Drought Triggers and Indicators Using the National Water Model: A Case Study to Improve the U.S. Drought Monitor in Support of the Northeast DEWS
- Identifying and quantifying triggers, time scales, and tools to support management of different drought types in the Northeastern United States
- Utilizing Drought Forecasts to Develop Decision Calendars for Reoperation of California's Hydroelectric Reservoir Systems and Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Identifying Drought-related Triggers and Impacts on Decision Calendars for the Ski Industry
FY 2018 Coping with Drought Projects
- Investigating the Role of Perceptions about Drought Information and Forecast Accuracy in Midwest Rainfed Agricultural Decision Making
- Innovating Approaches to Drought Communications with North Carolina Decision Makers
- Connecting Drought Early Warning to the Decision Making Needs of Specialty Crop Producers in the Midwestern United States
FY 2016 Coping with Drought Projects
- Drought Planning Using Community Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
- Enhancing Drought Early Warning Capabilities for Agricultural and Tribal Stakeholders in the Missouri River Basin Using Fast Response Drought Indicators
- Characterization of Readiness of the Transportation and Agriculture Sectors to Cope with Interannual to Decadal Droughts in the Mississippi River Basin
- Developing a Wildfire Component for the NIDIS California Drought Early Warning System
- Developing a Framework for Assessing the Multi-stakeholder Vulnerabilities and & Risk Management Tradeoffs Related to Future Climate Extremes in the Colorado River Basin
- Advancing the Use of DEWS in the Upper Colorado River Basin
FY 2015 Coping with Drought Projects
- Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation Planning for River Basins with Estuarine Resources
- Agricultural Drought Products and Linked Hydrologic Models to Improve Drought Delineation and Response in the Southeastern U.S.
- Decadal Drought Risk Assessment and Scenario Development for Food and Bio-fuels Agriculture in Four Sub-basins in the Missouri River Basin
- Climate forecast-aided Drought Decision Support for North Central Texas
- Engaging Citizen Scientists to Ground-Truth the U.S. Drought Monitor
FY 2014 Coping with Drought Projects
- Coping with Drought in California's Russian River Watershed
- Using a Co-development Process to Improve, Integrate and Encourage Use of Drought Information and Adaptive Management of Livestock Grazing on National Forests
- Developing a Basin-Wide Framework for Drought Forecasting and Planning in the Chesapeake Bay Region
FY 2013 Coping with Drought Projects
- Managing Drought in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River Basin through the Development of Improved Drought Indicators and Policy Alternatives
- Facilitating Adaptive Management Under Conditions of Rapid Drought Onset Using the GOES-based Evaporative Stress Index
- Evaluating the Impact of Extreme Drought on Farm Advisors Perception of Climate Risks in the U.S. Corn Belt
- Integrated Seasonal Drought Forecast-Adaptive Management System for the Lower Colorado River Basin in Texas
- Seasonal Climate Signals: Developing a Community of Practice in Emergency Management of Droughts and Floods
- Drought Management under a Changing Climate: Using Cost-Benefit Analyses to Assist Drinking Water Utilities
FY 2012 Coping with Drought Projects
- Impacts of Decadal Droughts on the Agricultural Economy of the Missouri River Basin
- Drought Risk Atlas / Enhancing Decision Support for Drought Risk in the United States: The Drought Risk Atlas
- Integrating Climate Forecasts and Re-Forecasts into Operations Management
- From Fisheries Manager to Family Farmer: Improved Products for Communicating Water Supply and Drought Risk for Daily Decision Making within the Klamath Basin, CA and OR USA
- Increasing Drought Resilience Under Climate Change: Assessing Costs and Benefits, Developing Tools and Analyzing Motivations to Develop Local Groundwater Drought Reserves
- Evaluation of Drought Risks and its Impact on Agricultural Land and Water Use to Support Adaptive Decision-making
- Forecasting Reservoir Operations to Mitigate Cl Impacts on Fish Sustainability Below
FY 2011 Coping with Drought Projects
- Risk perception, Institutions, and Water Conservation: Enhancing Agricultural Adaptation to Future Water Scarcity in Central Arizona
- Managing Demand and Rethinking Supply: Adaptation, Conservation, and Planning in the Drought-prone Southwestern United States and Northwest Mexico
- Water Decisions for Sustainability of the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer
- Collaborative Development of Public Water Supply Utility Relevant Climate Info for Improved Operations and Planning
FY 2010 Coping with Drought Projects
- Reducing Drought Risks in the Southeast USA: Quantification of Drought Info Value, Development of Drought Indices, and Communication of Dr Info
- Evaluating Adaptive Policies for Urban Water Resource Management: Interactions Between Short-Term Drought Responses and Long-Term Climate Change Adaptation Strategies
- Assessing and Supporting Drought Monitoring Needs on the Hopi and Navajo Nations
- Needs, Uses, Perceptions, and Attitudes towards Weather and Climate Forecast Information by Water Resource Managers in the Southeastern United States
- Climate Change and Water Supply Security: Developing a Strategic Groundwater Reserve to Reduce Vulnerability to Extreme Drought
FY 2009 Coping with Drought Projects
- Developing and Implementing a Regional Drought Decision Support System (RDDSS) for the Red River Basin (RRB) of the North (A Transferable NIDIS Template)
- Integrating Socioeconomic Assessments to Build Community Resilience in Mitigating Drought
- Using Climate Information to Predict and Reduce Residential Irrigation Demands
- A Climate Information System To Enhance Drought Preparedness by Underserved Farmers In The Southeastern U.S.
FY 2008 Coping with Drought Projects
- Development of a "Drought Ready Communities" Program
- Reducing Forage Producers' Drought Vulnerability in the Southeastern USA
- An Assessment of Decadal Drought Information Needs of Stakeholders and Policymakers in the Missouri River Basin for Decision Support
- Linking Drought Forecasting and Response to Natural Resource Protection in the Big Bend Region of the Chihuahuan Desert
FY 2007 Coping with Drought Projects
- Decision Support for Climate-Responsive Urban and Agricultural Water Supply and Demand
- Sharpening Drought Plans by Considering Climate, the Watershed, the Regulatory Environment, and the Forces of Change.
- Developing Hydroclimatic Reconstructions for Water Resources Management in the Pacific Northwest
- Development of a Drought Decision Support Portal for the Republican River Basin of Nebraska, Colorado, and Kansas
- Urban Supply Reliability Under Climate Change: Policy, Economics and Water Management