Native Waters on Arid Lands
The Native Waters on Arid Lands (NWAL) project identifies and addresses impacts of climate change on tribal farmers and ranchers in the Great Basin, Southwest, and Northern Rockies. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the project team began holding weekly video calls with federal agency sponsors, tribal partners, and extension experts to identify urgent issues and recommend actions to help lessen the effects of the pandemic on Native communities. Through these calls, the NWAL team has documented some of the specific challenges faced by each tribe, including agricultural and food production impacts that are compounded by ongoing droughts in the Southwest. The NWAL team is working to address these challenges by connecting tribes and agencies with needed information and resources. NWAL is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA).
For more information, please contact Molly Woloszyn (