Northern Plains Drought Update & Outlook - Tribal Webinar: June 23, 2021
Drought in the Northern Plains continues to worsen, and widespread impacts are being felt, including impacts on tribal lands in the region. In order to provide up-to-date information on the drought and its impacts, and associated resources for tribal nations, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Geological Survey, and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have partnered to host a drought webinar series this summer specifically for the tribal nations in the Northern Plains.
The second webinar in this series included an update on the current drought situation and outlook, an overview of impacts on rangelands, and actions for drought mitigation on tribal lands, including a focus on water quality and quantity.
Key Partners
This webinar was organized by the NOAA National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), USGS North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Regional Climate Services, High Plains Regional Climate Center, and USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub.