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NOAA Midwestern Regional Climate Center (MRCC)

Run by the NOAA Midwestern Regional Climate Center (MRCC), cli-MATE is the MRCC's Application Tools Environment for accessing climate data and value-added tools. cli-MATE can be used to look up information such as raw climate data, rankings of climate information, thresholds, growing season tools, maps, graphs, and more.

To use cli-MATE, users must create a free account and log in.


cli-MATE Home Page

Selected tools within cli-MATE (must log in to access):

  • Interpolated Station Data: Create temperature and precipitation maps for customized time frames, data networks, and regions
  • Degree Days: Create plots showing the accumulation of degree days for a chosen location and date range
  • Daily Station Selector Tool: Choose the daily station of interest by using a map, where you can select from multiple climate data networks
  • Seasonal Statistics: Compare customized seasonal statistics, including first/last snowfalls, degree days, and freeze events