cli-MATE is the MRCC's Application Tools Environment for accessing climate data and value-added tools.
The Midwest Climate Watch is a resource for current climate information for the Midwestern region of the United States, produced by the Midwestern Regional Climate Center (MRCC).
MRCC produces maps showing the number of days that certain stations in the Midwest region have gone without precipitation.
The Midwestern Regional Climate Center produces maps showing evapotranspiration and water balance for certain stations in the Midwest region at 1-day, 7-day, 14-day, 30-day, and 60-day intervals.
he Regional Mesonets And Partners Project (RMP) produces Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) maps at 24-hour and 7-day intervals for the Midwest region.
The Regional Mesonet Program (RMP) produces Soil Temperature maps at 2-inch and 4-inch depth for both bare soil and sod for the Midwest region.