Upper Missouri River Basin Soil Moisture and Snowpack Data Value Study Fact Sheet
Under Congressional direction, NOAA’s National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) is leading an interagency team on the Upper Missouri River Basin (UMRB) Soil Moisture and Snowpack Data Value Study. This high-profile study will provide a systematic examination of how the soil moisture and snowpack data generated by an expanded monitoring network in five UMRB states will support improved monitoring of drought and flood conditions in the Basin, as well as other climate and weather applications.
While the specific focus of the study is the UMRB, study findings are expected to broadly inform our understanding of how soil moisture and snowpack data can improve hydrological and climatological applications. As such, it is a keystone project for NIDIS and the NIDIS-sponsored National Coordinated Soil Moisture Monitoring Network.
This 2-page fact sheet provides background information and outlines the approach of the Data Value Study.