The Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River Basin Drought & Water Dashboard

The ACF River Basin Drought and Water Dashboard is a suite of customized information and tools to provide drought information and support decision making across the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River Basin. This Dashboard will be useful to a broad range of users, from climate experts to the general public. A key feature is a new "Drought in the ACF River Basin" Story Map that will provide the context to help interpret the data and support public education about drought impacts in the basin.
Why is an ACF Drought & Water Dashboard needed?
The ACF River Basin experiences complex water management challenges due to competing water needs between states and various sectors. Water supplies and instream flows become even more stressed during periods of drought, further intensifying the conflict over water. Targeted improvements for accessing and using drought information in the ACF can improve broader understanding of how drought affects the basin, while also providing essential early warning and support for decision makers before, during, and after a drought.
How was this Dashboard developed?
A series of four listening sessions in 2020 gathered input from a broad range of drought information producers and users. This input was utilized to build out the Dashboard components and ensure that its design is user-driven and meets the diverse drought information needs across the region. Two review sessions were held in 2021 to allow the public to use prototypes of the Dashboard and provided an additional opportunity for input. A series of 2021 usability studies allowed for further refinement on the use of the site and data. Key stakeholders, such as the state governments and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, provided specific content to improve the Dashboard.
The Dashboard was developed as a NIDIS-supported project implemented by the Albany State University Water Planning and Policy Center, Auburn University Water Resources Center, and NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).
The ACF River Basin Drought and Water Dashboard officially launched in January 2022.
For more information, please contact Meredith Muth (
Research Snapshot
Features of the ACF Dashboard
The ACF Drought and Water Dashboard is accessible via the U.S. Drought Portal (, which consists of current, reliable, and useful information and resources related to drought. ACF Dashboard features include the following:
Current Conditions
What are current drought conditions across the ACF River Basin and in your locality? The Dashboard provides real-time updates on current drought status across the basin and in your local area.
Drought Outlooks
What will drought look like in the future? The Dashboard provides information on what can be expected in the next few months.
ACF Drought Story Map
Why does drought matter in the ACF? The "Drought in the ACF River Basin" Story Map provides historical context on drought impacts throughout the basin, with a focus on water use and ecosystem impacts.
ACF Drought Resources
Who should I contact for more information? The Dashboard's Additional Resources page identifies key regional and state contacts that you can reach out to for more information on drought in the region.