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Regional Drought Update Date
October 17, 2024
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Drought Status Update

Drought Status Update for California-Nevada

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NIDIS and its partners will issue future drought status updates as conditions evolve.

Water Year 2024 recap: California-Nevada welcomed a normal precipitation year, but dried out after a hot summer

Key Points

  • Much of California and Nevada received near-normal precipitation throughout the 2024 Water Year. After a dry start, the region benefited from late season storms in February and March. 
  • Near-record summer temperatures dried out the landscape, increasing the percentage of California-Nevada that is Abnormally Dry (D0) or in drought from 1.96% on June 1 to 85.47% on October 1. 
  • Severe Drought (D2) developed in southern Nevada and southeastern California since the start of Water Year 2025, in part due to a lack of summer monsoon activity. 
  • Despite recent dryness, reservoir levels throughout the region remain at or above historical averages. 
  • The 2024 fire season thus far was higher than 2023, but below recent averages. Elevated risk for significant wildland fire remains along southern coastal California. 
  • The start of Water Year 2025 has been dry, building on the preexisting conditions. Current outlooks indicate a wet pattern in the short term (next 2 weeks) and equal chances of above-normal, normal, or below-normal precipitation in the long term. Regularly tracking the forecast and outlooks will be important as we move into the wetter months. 

This update is based on data available as of Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. PT. We acknowledge that conditions are evolving.

Current Conditions
U.S. Drought Monitor Conditions | California-Nevada

U.S. Drought Monitor Categories
Drought Degradation
Drought Improvement

Main Stats
of California-Nevada is in drought (D1–D2)
of the region is Abnormally Dry (D0)
of normal water year precipitation for much of California/Nevada

Current Drought Conditions for California/Nevada

  • Much of California and Nevada received 70%–130% of normal precipitation in Water Year 2024 (October 1, 2023–September 30, 2024) (Figure 1). 
  • More atmospheric rivers made landfall along the California coast between late January and March than October–December, which helped mitigate a dry start to the water year. Read more from the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) (Figure 3).  
  • California and Nevada average daily summer (June–August) temperatures were 3–7°F warmer than normal (Figure 4). This region recorded its second warmest daily minimum temperature during summer months in a record going back 125 years. 
  • April 1 median snow water equivalent (SWE) was above normal this year (Figure 5).
  • Evaporative demand peaked during summer months throughout the region, largely due to high temperatures. California set a record for the highest statewide evaporative demand in July (with a record dating back to 1979) (Figure 6). 
  • Drought and dry conditions expanded throughout California and Nevada during the summer months, indicating the impact of the high evaporative demand on the region. 

Figure 1: Percent of Normal Water Year Precipitation (October 1, 2023–September 30, 2024)

Key Takeaway: Much of California-Nevada received near-normal precipitation in Water Year 2024 (within about 30% of normal), with the exception of the southeast portion of the California-Nevada region and portions of coastal southern California .

The percent of water year to date precipitation from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024. The coastal regions and higher terrain in the Mojave Desert are light green indicating precipitation between 110%-130% of normal precipitation. Coastal Southern California (Orange to Santa Barbara counties) received over 130% precipitation, with significant contribution from one atmospheric river in early February. The Sierras and foothills, southeast California, and central Nevada are light brown indicating between 70%-90% of normal precipitation.  Southeast Nevada is a slightly darker brown indicated 50-70%.
Percent of normal precipitation for Water Year 2024 (October 1, 2023–September 30, 2024). Brown hues indicate below-normal precipitation, and blue hues indicate above-normal precipitation. Graphic provided by C. Castellano, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E).  

Figure 2: How Many Normal Water Years Would It Take to Make Up Water Year 2024 Precipitation Deficits? 

Key Takeaway: Much of the Sierra Nevada and Nevada are missing between 0%–25% of a normal water year’s worth of  precipitation. The southeastern portion of the region is missing between 25%–50% in part due to low summer monsoon activity. 

 This figure shows the amount of normal water year precipitation that is missing and indicates that the Sierras and north as well as much of Nevada is missing between 0-25% of normal water year precipitation, while southeastern Nevada and far southeastern California are missing between 25-50% of normal water year precipitation.
The amount of normal water year precipitation that was missing from Water Year 2024, based on 1991–2020. Graphic provided by C. Castellano, CW3E.

Figure 3: U.S. West Coast Atmospheric River Landfall Map for Water Year 2024 

Key Takeaway: California was impacted by a total of 54 atmospheric rivers (ARs) during Water Year 2024, though only 2 were strong or greater. 

A map of the U.S. west coast with arrows indicating atmospheric river landfalls along the coast. The coloring of the arrows indicate the strength from weak to exceptional. The US West coast was impacted by 67 atmospheric rivers, while California was impacted by 54 atmospheric rivers.
Map of the landfall of atmospheric rivers (ARs) along the U.S. West Coast during Water Year 2024, with the color of the arrow indicating the AR’s strength. The arrow points to where the AR maximum intensity made landfall. Provided by C. Hecht, CW3E. More information available at

Figure 4: Temperature Anomalies for Water Year 2024 and June–August 2024

Key Takeaway: Water Year 2024 temperatures were normal to slightly above normal (1–3°F) for much of California and Nevada. Summer temperatures were well above normal (3–7°F) throughout much of the region. The exception during both periods is coastal California. 

Temperature anomaly from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024. Much of the region is between 1-3 degrees Fahrenheit above normal, with coastal California at or 1-2 degrees below normal.
High temperature anomalies for summer (June, July, and August) in California-Nevada. Much of the region shows anomalies between 3-7 degrees Fahrenheit, except for coastal California, which is near- or below-normal by 1-2 degrees.
Top: Temperature anomalies (°F) for Water Year 2024 (October 1, 2023–September 30, 2024). Bottom: Temperature anomalies (°F) for the summer months (June, July, and August). Temperatures are compared to “normal” conditions from 1991–2020. Graphics provided by C. Castellano, CW3E.

Figure 5: April 1 Snow Conditions in the California–/Nevada Region 

Key Takeaway: On April 1, snowpack throughout much of the Sierra Nevada Mountains was above normal, with about 125% to more than 150% of above-normal snowpack in much of northern and central Nevada. 

Most of the basins are between 125-175% of normal snow water equivalent in California and Nevada with the highest values in northern and central Nevada as of April 1.
A map showing basinwide snow water equivalent (SWE) on April 1, 2024 relative to the 1991–2020 median. Source: Natural Resource Conservation Service Snow and Water Interactive Map

Figure 6: Summer Evaporative Demand

Key Takeaway: Summer evaporative demand reached record highs in California, especially during July, drying out the landscape. 

A map of California and Nevada that shows extremely high summer evaporative demand in the Central Valley and the Sierras and elevated values throughout almost all of Nevada.
 Evaporative Drought Demand Index (EDDI) for the three months ending on September 18. The Central Valley and much of the Sierras had the highest evaporative demand, and evaporative demand was above normal in almost all of Nevada. Source: NOAA’s Physical Sciences Laboratory.
 A time series of California statewide average evaporative demand in July illustrates the record high evaporative demand in July 2024.
Time series of California statewide average evaporative demand in July from 1979 to 2024. California had record high July statewide evaporative demand in 2024. Source: GridMET, Figure provided by D. McEvoy, DRI. 

California-Nevada Drought Impacts

Figure 7: Reservoir Storage in Nevada

Key Takeaway: Nevada’s end of water year total reservoir storage capacity is 182% of the median.

All Nevada reservoirs on the graphic are currently storing water at a capacity higher than the median storage capacity.
Reservoir storage for a select group of reservoirs in Nevada shown as a percent of capacity (blue bars), as of the end of September 2024. Median capacity is indicated by the outlines on the blue bars.  Source: Nevada State Climate Office.

Figure 8: Water Stored in Western Sierra Reservoirs Plus Snowpack

Key Takeaway: As of the end of September 2024, the Western Sierra reservoir storage was about 135% above normal. 

The combination of reservoir levels and snowpack for Water Year 2024 in the Western Sierras is about 135% of normal for this time of year.
Water storage, a combination of snowpack and reservoir storage, as of September 22, 2024 compared to normal (1985–2010) for the Western Sierra reservoirs. Source: CNAP/CW3E Water Storage Tracking Website.

Outlooks and Forecasts for California-Nevada

  • The Climate Prediction Center’s seasonal outlooks (November–January) show equal chances of above-, near-, or below-normal precipitation for most of the region (Figure 9).
  • The seasonal outlooks show 33%–50% chance of above-normal temperatures over much of California and Nevada from November–January, except for northern California, which has equal chances of above-, near-, or below-normal temperatures (Figure 10). 
  • Existing drought is forecast to persist over the next month and beyond.
  • Above-normal significant wildland fire potential is expected to persist along the southern California coast through December. 
  • The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is currently neutral. A La Niña watch is in place.
    • If La Niña emerges, it is likely to be a weaker event. 
    • Historically, La Niña winters tend to be warmer and drier in southern California-Nevada. However, every ENSO event is different and weather events, such as atmospheric rivers, can disrupt the traditional seasonal ENSO precipitation patterns.    
    • For more information, check out the NOAA ENSO blog

Figure 9: Seasonal (3-Month) Precipitation Outlook

Key Takeaway: The NOAA National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center’s seasonal outlook favors equal chances of above-, below-, and near-normal precipitation for most of the region through the end of January 2025.

easonal forecasts indicate equal chances of above, below, or near normal precipitation across California-Nevada.
Probability (percent chance) of above-normal (green hues), near-normal (gray hues), or below-normal (brown hues) precipitation over the next three months (November 2024–January 2025). White areas indicate equal chances of above-, near-, or below-normal precipitation. Source: NOAA National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center.

Figure 10: Seasonal (3-Month) Temperature Outlook

Key Takeaway: The NOAA National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center’s seasonal outlook favors above-normal temperatures for much of California-Nevada through January.

Seasonal forecasts favor above-normal temperatures throughout most of California-Nevada over the next three months, November–January.
Probability (percent chance) of above-normal (red hues), near-normal (gray hues), or below-normal (blue hues) temperatures over the next three months (November 2024–January 2025). White areas indicate equal chances of above-, near-, or below-normal temperatures. Source: NOAA National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center


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California-Nevada DEWS

Register for the December 2 California-Nevada Drought and Climate Outlook Webinar, which will provide an overview of climate and drought conditions, impacts, and outlooks.

Prepared By

Amanda Sheffield
NOAA/NIDIS California-Nevada DEWS Regional Drought Information Coordinator, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)

Julie Kalansky
Principal Investigator California-Nevada Adaptation Program (a NOAA CAP team)

Special Thanks

This Drought Status Update is issued in partnership between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the California-Nevada Adaptation Program (a NOAA CAP team), Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCS San Diego, and the Western Regional Climate Center at the Desert Research Institute  to communicate a potential area of concern for drought expansion and/or development within the California-Nevada DEWS region based on recent conditions and the upcoming forecast. NIDIS and its partners will issue future Drought Status Updates as conditions evolve.