Intermountain West Drought & Climate Outlook Webinar

Twenty-seven percent of the Intermountain West Drought Early Warning System region is in drought, with parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado in Moderate to Extreme Drought (D1-D3) and Exceptional Drought (D4) in New Mexico.
Join this webinar to learn more about current drought conditions and snow drought in the Intermountain West (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming). This month's webinar will highlight tools and resources to better understand drought in Wyoming.
- Intermountain West Current Climate Conditions and Outlook: Tony Anderson, NOAA National Weather Service Cheyenne, Wyoming
- Wyoming Drought Dashboard: Tony Bergantino, Wyoming State Climate Office and Water Resources Data System, University of Wyoming
- Wyoming Agricultural Community Needs Assessment Survey: Windy Kay Kelly, USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub and University of Wyoming Extension
For more information, please contact Dr. Gretel Follingstad.