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Regional Drought Update Date
March 6, 2025
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Drought Status Update

Snow Drought Current Conditions and Impacts in the West

Update Status:

NIDIS and its partners release these snow drought updates for the western U.S. every 4 weeks from December through June.

Abysmal Snowpack Defines Winter for Arizona and New Mexico

Key Points

  • Another month of extremely dry conditions plagued the Southwest (Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada), leading to deepening snow deficits across already dry basins. Exceptional snow drought continues to persist with the peak snow water equivalent (SWE) dates past for Arizona and New Mexico.
  • Lower-elevation snow drought persisted across southern Alaska due to continued warm and dry conditions, with Anchorage Airport recording its driest February on record. Large areas in southwest Alaska and low elevations in south-central Alaska—which are typically snow covered—were (nearly) snow-free as of March 1.
  • Moderate snow drought conditions persisted in the northern and central Cascade Range of Washington due to below-average winter precipitation.
  • A recent storm cycle brought welcome moisture back to California and Nevada, improving snow drought conditions, but deficits still remain in the region.
  • The Upper San Juan, Upper Rio Grande, and Gunnison River Basins provide substantial snowmelt and runoff to the Upper Colorado River Basin, which drains into Lake Powell. Given low snowpack in these basins, monitoring snow conditions will be critical for future water supply as the basins enter the spring snowmelt season.
  • The National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center’s outlooks favor a likely colder and wetter pattern over the next month in the West, which could be favorable for snow accumulation. 
Current Conditions
Current Conditions: Snow Water Equivalent (SWE)

Percent of Median Snow Water Equivalent
Percent of Median Snow Water Equivalent

Main Stats
of western CONUS stations’ SWE are below median, as of March 2
of western CONUS stations' SWE are below the 30th percentile* as of Feb. 2

Snow Drought Conditions Summary

This update is based on data available as of Monday, March 3, 2025 at 12:00 a.m. PT. We acknowledge that conditions are evolving.

Current Conditions

Extremely dry conditions across the West in January transitioned to a more active precipitation pattern in February improving the snowpack for much of the West, particularly in the Sierra Nevada, northern Great Basin, and northern Rocky Mountains. In contrast, much of the southern Rocky Mountains, Arizona, and New Mexico saw very little snowfall over the past month. The worst snow drought conditions continue to be in the Southwest, including southern Utah, southwestern Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. Snow drought conditions also persist in the northern and central Cascade Range of Washington.

Looking Ahead

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation weekly water supply report for the Lower Colorado River Basin predicts unregulated inflows into Lake Powell will be 70% of normal in April–July. This is despite 92% of normal snow water equivalent (SWE) in the Upper Colorado Basin, as Colorado river tributary watersheds across central Utah (the San Juan River Basin, the Green Basin, and Gunnison Basin) saw below-normal precipitation and persistent low soil moisture conditions. Spring storms could help boost snowpack, but erasing the deep seasonal deficits across these basins is unlikely. 

Throughout Arizona and New Mexico, above-normal potential for significant wildfires persists through June, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. Wildfire season generally begins earlier and peaks later in these states compared to other areas of the West due to earlier peak SWE and a climatologically dry spring before the monsoon season begins.

Jump to conditions for your region:

Several Western U.S. Stations Have SWE Below the 30th Percentile

Snow water equivalent below the 10th percentile is reported at many SNOTEL stations across the Intermountain West. Some stations in Southwest Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico have record low SWE. Significantly lower percentages (such as those in southwest Utah and New Mexico) occur when there has been very little precipitation.
Snow water equivalent (SWE) percentiles for locations in the western U.S. at or below the 30th percentile as of March 2, 2025. Stations with SWE above the 30th percentile* are shown with a black “x”. Only SNOTEL stations with at least 20 years of data were used. Stations where the median SWE value for the date is zero are not shown. Data Source: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Dry Snow Conditions Across Basins in the Southwestern U.S.

This map shows February total precipitation at selected SNOTEL stations in or near the basin as a percentage of the normal value for those stations on the same date from 1991-2020. Many basins across the west have less than 50% of normal precipitation, and all of Arizona basins show precipitation below 20% of normal.
Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL) precipitation for watersheds in the western U.S. from February 1–28, 2025. Precipitation is shown as a percentage of the 1991–2020 average recorded by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Only stations with at least 20 years of data are included in the station normals. For an interactive version of this map please visit NRCS

Rocky Mountain Snow Conditions (Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming)

Northern Rockies

Snowpack has generally improved in the northern Rocky Mountains over the past month, with most hydrologic unit code (HUC) 6 basins reporting near- to above-normal snow water equivalent (SWE). However, the Marias and Upper South Saskatchewan Basins in northwestern Montana are still in snow drought, with SWE at 71% and 73% of normal, respectively. Precipitation over most of the Bighorn Mountains in north-central Wyoming was well below normal over the past month, particularly the southern part of the range. Snow drought conditions are present in the central and southern part of the Bighorn Mountains, where SNOTEL stations are reporting 48–92% of normal SWE. 

Central Rockies

Snow drought conditions have persisted and, in some cases, intensified across central and southern Utah and southwestern Colorado. Thirteen SNOTEL stations scattered across south-central and southwest Utah report record-low snow water equivalent (SWE). The Lower Colorado-Lake Mead, Escalante Desert-Sevier Lake, and Upper Colorado-Dirty Devil Basins have 29%, 51%, and 56% of normal SWE, respectively. This is the lowest SWE on record for the Lower Colorado-Lake Mead Basin for this date. The Lower Green Basin, including the south slopes of the Uinta Mountains in northeastern Utah, report 79% of normal SWE.

SNOTEL stations in southwestern Colorado, including stations in the San Juan and Sangre de Cristo mountains, also report snow drought conditions, with most locations below the 20th percentile SWE. Northwestern portions of the Gunnison Basin also have well-below-normal snowpack. The Upper San Juan, Rio Grande Headwaters, and Gunnison Basins are at 56%, 62%, and 82% of normal SWE, respectively. These basins provide substantial snowmelt and runoff to the Upper Colorado River Basin, which drains into Lake Powell. It will be critical to watch snowpack in these basins heading into the spring snowmelt season. February temperatures were 4–6 °F above normal in much of southern Utah and western Colorado, helping drive snow drought across the region.

Low Snow Water Equivalent in Upper San Juan River Basin

The snow water equivalent percentage of median (currently 57%) represents the current snow water equivalent across all SNOTEL stations in the Upper San Juan Basin.
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) water year accumulated snow water equivalent (SWE) (inches) (black, 2024-2025; orange, 2024) for the Upper San Juan Basin, compared to the period of record maximum (blue) and minimum (red) and the 1991-2020 median (green) as of March 3, 2025. Source: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Arizona and New Mexico Snow Conditions

Snow drought conditions remain severe as much of the region is nearing or has passed the dates at which snow water equivalent (SWE) typically peaks for the year. In Arizona and parts of New Mexico, peak SWE typically occurs around March 1, much earlier than most of the mountains in the West. The trend of persistent above-normal temperatures and lack of snowfall continued in February in the mountains across the region.

All but two SNOTEL stations in Arizona and New Mexico report less than 50% of normal SWE, with no snow at some locations. In Arizona, the Verde Basin, which has a median peak SWE date of March 1, is currently at 8% of median peak SWE, and the Little Colorado Basin, which has a median peak SWE date of March 4, is currently at 17% of median peak SWE. In New Mexico, the Upper Rio Grande and Upper Canadian Basins are at 39% and 28% of normal SWE, respectively. 

Initial surges of spring snowmelt already occurred at some locations in the Upper Canadian Basin, which is several weeks earlier than normal. February temperatures were 4–6 °F above normal across much of the region, which contributed to increased snowmelt at lower elevations.

Oregon and Washington Snow Conditions

Snow drought conditions are variable throughout Oregon and Washington, with areas of snow drought in the northern and central Washington Cascade Range and at elevations below 4,000 feet in the northern Oregon Cascade Range. Elsewhere, snow water equivalent (SWE) levels are generally much above normal in the Blue Mountains and the southern Oregon Cascade Range.

Most SNOTEL stations in the central and northern Cascade Range of Washington report well-below-normal SWE. Several stations on the east slope along the North Cascades Highway (SR 20) report SWE below the 10th percentile; similarly, a cluster of stations along I-90 report SWE below the 15th percentile, including Stampede Pass (7th percentile).

At the regional scale, the Puget Sound Basin and Upper Columbia Basin are reporting 77% and 81% of normal SWE, respectively. In the southern Washington Cascade Range, including the Lower Columbia and Yakima Basins, snowpack is generally near-to-slightly below normal.

In Oregon, stations below 4,000 feet along the west slope of the Cascade Range in the Willamette Basin report much-below normal snowpack, with several SNOTEL stations reporting SWE below the 20th percentile and less than 50% of normal, including Daly Lake at 3690 feet (16th percentile), Marion Forks at 2590 feet (11th percentile), Blazed Alder at 3660 feet (12th percentile), and Peavine Ridge at 3420 feet (14th percentile). SWE loss at these lower elevation stations was partly caused by a warm rain-on-snow event associated with an atmospheric river in late February. At higher elevations and closer to the Cascade crest, SWE is near normal. Based on 19 SNOTEL stations at varying elevations, the Willamette Basin is reporting 92% of normal SWE. 

California and Nevada Snow Conditions

Stormy conditions returned to California and Nevada in February, with increases in snowpack and improvements to snow drought conditions relative to early February. However, some areas of snow drought remain, particularly in the southern Sierra Nevada and at lower elevations throughout the Sierra Nevada.

Several moderate strength storms impacted the Sierra Nevada in February. These storms boosted the snowpack but favored the northern and central Sierra Nevada, with less precipitation in the southern Sierra Nevada. This pattern is reflected in California Department of Water Resources snow pillow data: the northern Sierra Nevada is at 104% of normal snow water equivalent (SWE), central Sierra Nevada at 80% of normal SWE, and southern Sierra Nevada at 70% of normal SWE. SNOTEL data from the eastern Sierra Nevada show basins at 83–85% of normal SWE. Early February storms were warm and brought heavy rainfall to lower elevations in the Sierra Nevada. Snow pillow data show this, with little to no snow at low elevations around Lake Tahoe and along the west slope of the Sierra Nevada.

Northeastern Nevada continues to have a good snow season, with above-normal SWE throughout the region. However, SNOTEL stations along the I-50 corridor in central and eastern Nevada are at 57–86% of normal SWE.

Alaska Snow Conditions

It was a dry month with below-normal precipitation and snowfall for most of Alaska. South-central Alaska was particularly dry, and snow drought conditions are present at lower elevations throughout the region. Anchorage Airport had its driest February on record, with just 0.03 inches of precipitation and no measurable snow depth in February, for the first time since records began in 1953.

The Kenai Peninsula is experiencing snow drought conditions, with lower elevations reporting an extremely low to non-existent snowpack and upper elevations reporting near-normal snowpack. For example, Portage Valley (60-feet elevation) is snow-free for the first time since 2016, while Turnagain Pass (1,860-feet elevation) is currently at 108% of normal snow water equivalent (SWE).

Snowfall and SWE data are limited in southeast Alaska, but observations around the Juneau area suggest below-normal snowpack in the region. The Long Lake SNOTEL is currently at 58% of normal SWE. The Juneau Airport had below-normal precipitation and just 0.01 inches of snowfall in February. Normal February snowfall is 16.7 inches. 

Low Snow Water Equivalent in Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula


Snow water equivalent at Port Graham, Alaska SNOTEL station is currently 5% of of median.
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) water year accumulated snow water equivalent (SWE) (inches) (black, 2024-2025 WY to date; orange, 2024 WY) at Port Graham, Alaska, compared to the period of record maximum (blue) and minimum (red), and the 1991-2020 median (green), as of March 4, 2025. Source: USDA NRCS

* Quantifying snow drought values is an ongoing research effort. Here we have used the 30th percentile as a starting point based on partner expertise and research. Get more information on the current definition of snow drought.

For More Information, Please Contact:

Daniel McEvoy
Western Regional Climate Center

Gretel Follingstad
CIRES/NOAA/NIDIS Intermountain West Regional Drought Information Coordinator

Jason Gerlich
CIRES/NOAA/NIDIS Pacific Northwest and Missouri River Basin Regional Drought Information Coordinator

Amanda Sheffield
CIRES/NOAA/NIDIS California-Nevada Regional Drought Information Coordinator

Special Thanks


NIDIS and its partners launched this snow drought effort in 2018 to provide data, maps, and tools for monitoring snow drought and its impacts as well as communicating the status of snow drought across the United States, including Alaska. Thank you to our partners for your continued support of this effort and review of these updates. If you would like to report snow drought impacts, please use the link below. Information collected will be shared with the states affected to help us better understand the short term, long term, and cumulative impacts of snow drought to the citizens and the economy of the regions reliant on snowpack.

Report Your Snow Drought Impacts
Data and Maps | Snow Drought
Research and Learn | Snow Drought